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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation


Enhancing one’s chest with state of the art silicone or saline implants is one of our most popular and satisfying procedures. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set very high safety standards for today’s breast implants. You should feel very safe and confident that the devices we are implanting today are as safe as humanly possible. Some of the best reasons to seriously consider breast enlargement would include feeling out of proportion with the rest of your body (shoulders and hips), not being able to easily find clothes or swimsuits that fit, or simply feeling self conscious about lack of breast fullness. Perhaps you have friends or family who have already had great outcomes from this procedure. In all cases, the best way to get started is to come in to see Dr. Woods for a consult. If you are at least 35 years old, make sure your most recent mammogram has been within the last year.

Dr. Woods will spend 45-60 minutes one on one with you to educate you on the different options available today. This includes the option of saline (salt water filled) vs. silicone, under the muscle placement vs. over, shaped (tear-drop) vs. round implants, location of incision placement, and most importantly, what size of implant would be best for you. Measurements of your body will be taken, photos of typical patients will be reviewed, and you will be encouraged to try a variety of these implants on in the office. To give you the best simulation as to how each implant will look in your body, we ask you to bring a non padded, non underwire bra (like a sports bra) with you, as well as a snugly fitting camisole or T-shirt or blouse to wear over the implant, to simulate “the final result”. Dr. Woods has been placing breast implants in delighted patients for over 20 years and has a real aesthetic sense and handle for what would give you the result you are looking for.

Doctor's Certifications

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  • Southern Society of Clinical Surgeons

  • Christian Medical and Dental Association

Before and After Photos - individual results may vary. Some images may be models

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